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VR Close All - Close all orders if ...

VR Close All - Close all orders if ...

VR Close All - Close all orders if ...

Иконка версии программы Version: 17.100

Иконка дата обновления программы Updated: 12.08.2015

Иконка дата добавления программы Added: 04.08.2015

License: Free

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VR Black Box – modified “Swing” trading strategy
VR Black Box – modified “Swing” trading strategy

Icon of the program version Version: 24.121

Icon program update date Updated: 13.12.2024

Icon date the program was added Added: 22.08.2017

License: Paid-Free

One-time purchase:
from 30$from 21$

VR Black Box is a powerful trading system built on the principle of following price movements. The trading robot has access to the functions of setting both real and virtual Take Profit and Stop Loss levels. The main objective of the algorithm is to maximize profits and minimize risks.

The VR Black Box system uses a combination of real and virtual stop loss and take profit levels, with the real levels hiding the virtual ones. The development of this strategy began in 2009, and over a period of more than ten years it has undergone many improvements and revisions. The principle of operation is reminiscent of the “Swing” strategy, when a purchase error is compensated by entering a sale. A special feature of the system is the presence of protective mechanisms to prevent getting into high-risk situations.

VR Lollipop – trend collecting trading robot
VR Lollipop – trend collecting trading robot

Icon of the program version Version: 25.030

Icon program update date Updated: 02.03.2025

Icon date the program was added Added: 28.10.2022

License: Paid-Free

One-time purchase:
from 30$from 15$

The VR Lollipop trading robot is an automated trading strategy designed to operate on trend movements of various financial instruments. Its main goal is the accumulation of profitable positions.

VR Watch list and Linker – Screener for MetaTrader
VR Watch list and Linker – Screener for MetaTrader

Icon of the program version Version: 24.050

Icon program update date Updated: 02.05.2024

Icon date the program was added Added: 01.07.2015

License: Paid-Free

One-time purchase: 98$
Rent: from 30$

Financial instruments screener for manual search and selection of the most interesting and liquid financial instruments. Designed for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 terminals. The best solution for trading stocks.


The VR Close All expert Advisor is designed to close/delete all orders in the terminal.


It helps to fix profit or loss on the entire trading account. It is possible for the expert Advisor to specify closing by profit or loss in the Deposit currency, or by percentage. The program is designed in such a way that there is no probability of failure or error. in case of an emergency situation, the program has 5 attempts to close/delete an order with an interval of 0.5 seconds.

Algorithm of operation

The sequence of actions of the VR Close All program:

  1. Closing all charts except your own (all other expert advisors are Disabled).
  2. Closing / deleting orders on the entire trading account.
  3. Uploading / deleting an adviser from the chart (the Work is done, the adviser has been deleted).


The adviser does not conduct automatic trading, so the yield depends on the knowledge and skills of the trader.


Use it to completely close all orders.


  • TypeCloseProfit - Closing by profit
    • Money - Closing on the profit amount in the Deposit currency
    • Percent - Closing by percentage
    • Off - Disables the closing type
  • ValueProfit - for Money the amount of profit, for Percent the percentage.
  • TypeCloseLoss - closing by loss
    • Money - Closing by the amount of loss in the Deposit currency
    • Percent - Closing by percentage
    • Off - Disables the closing type
  • ValueLoss - for Money the amount of loss, for Percent the percentage


Without video


Version 17.100 - 12.08.2015

Version 15.81 - 2015.08.12
Input parameters were edited.

To hide the update history


Rewrite the program and port it to MT 5

What's in the archive

The archive contains a file:
VR Close All.ex4 for MetaTrader 4


Without question.


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