for free!
More → Version: 25.030
Updated: 02.03.2025
Added: 28.10.2022
License: Paid-Free
One-time purchase: 189$79$
Rent: from 30$from 15$
The VR Lollipop trading robot is an automated trading strategy designed to operate on trend movements of various financial instruments. Its main goal is the accumulation of profitable positions.
Version: 22.040
Updated: 11.04.2022
Added: 30.08.2017
License: Paid-Free
One-time purchase: 122$69$
Rent: from 30$from 21$
The program trades according to a unique logic, the task of which is not just to fix the profit, but also to use the accumulated profit as a safety cushion, which significantly reduces the drawdown on the balance.
Version: 24.050
Updated: 02.05.2024
Added: 01.07.2015
License: Paid-Free
One-time purchase: 98$
Rent: from 30$
Financial instruments screener for manual search and selection of the most interesting and liquid financial instruments. Designed for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 terminals. The best solution for trading stocks.
Instructions for creating a telegram bot for trading
1 - In the telegram application, you need to find the main telegram bot through the search field. His name is @BotFather
2 - The next step is to launch the bot by clicking on the "Start" or "Run" button. The bot will display a menu for working with new bots.
3 - In the menu for working with bots, we are only interested in the /newbots command at this step. After you activate the /newbots
4 - You will be asked to come up with and enter a Name for the new bot. The name must be entered in English, without emoticons, emojis or other embellishments. Use only the English alphabet.
5 - After the name of the new bot has been entered, you need to come up with and enter a unique bot address. This is the address that will be indicated in all applications. An important point: the unique address must end with the word bot. It is impossible to create an address without the word bot. The address must be entered using only the English alphabet. The address cannot be changed in the future; it will remain unchanged forever. Therefore, try to come up with good addresses right away.
If the desired address is already occupied by someone, you will be shown a warning.
6 - If the address is not occupied by anyone, you will receive a message about the successful creation of the bot.
Congratulations, you have created a telegram bot. 1 - Your bot's address, 2 - Secret key, also known as the bot's telegram token.
To set a bot logo, just enter the command /setuserpic and send the desired logo to the chat.
/newbot - create a new bot
/mybots - edit your bots
/setname - change the bot name
/setdescription - change the description of the bot
/setabouttext - change the bot about information
/setuserpic - change bot profile photo
/setcommands - change the list of commands
/deletebot - delete a bot