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VR Stealth Pro - an adviser invisible to the broker

VR Stealth Pro - an adviser invisible to the broker

VR Stealth Pro - an adviser invisible to the broker

Иконка версии программы Version: 16.120

Иконка дата обновления программы Updated: 13.12.2016

Иконка дата добавления программы Added: 10.09.2014

License: Free

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VR Watch list and Linker – Screener for MetaTrader
VR Watch list and Linker – Screener for MetaTrader

Icon of the program version Version: 24.050

Icon program update date Updated: 02.05.2024

Icon date the program was added Added: 01.07.2015

License: Paid-Free

One-time purchase: 98$
Rent: from 30$

Financial instruments screener for manual search and selection of the most interesting and liquid financial instruments. Designed for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 terminals. The best solution for trading stocks.

VR Black Box – modified “Swing” trading strategy
VR Black Box – modified “Swing” trading strategy

Icon of the program version Version: 24.121

Icon program update date Updated: 13.12.2024

Icon date the program was added Added: 22.08.2017

License: Paid-Free

One-time purchase:
from 30$from 21$

VR Black Box is a powerful trading system built on the principle of following price movements. The trading robot has access to the functions of setting both real and virtual Take Profit and Stop Loss levels. The main objective of the algorithm is to maximize profits and minimize risks.

The VR Black Box system uses a combination of real and virtual stop loss and take profit levels, with the real levels hiding the virtual ones. The development of this strategy began in 2009, and over a period of more than ten years it has undergone many improvements and revisions. The principle of operation is reminiscent of the “Swing” strategy, when a purchase error is compensated by entering a sale. A special feature of the system is the presence of protective mechanisms to prevent getting into high-risk situations.

VR Close All - Close all orders if ...
VR Close All - Close all orders if ...

Icon of the program version Version: 17.100

Icon program update date Updated: 12.08.2015

Icon date the program was added Added: 04.08.2015

License: Free

One-time purchase: 0$
Rent: from 0$

Designed for closing/deleting all orders in the terminal. It helps to fix profit or loss on the entire trading account.


Expert Advisor-the trading panel hides trading levels and is designed to simplify the trader's trading. The expert Advisor's interface is intuitive and easy. The EA hides the take Profit, Stop Loss, Breakeven, and Trailing Stop trading levels. Hiding occurs by virtualizing the levels on the trader's terminal. Instead of real levels, the expert Advisor works with graphical objects-lines. All trading operations are performed in the trader's terminal. With this program, orders are opened, closed, and modified using the mouse and in one click. The expert Advisor is designed to minimize the trader's working time with trading positions. Unlike many other programs, VR Stealth Pro has a trading panel and an order control panel, each order has its own panel. The program can work on all types of accounts (demo, real accounts, strategy tester).


  • Trading on real accounts
  • Trading on demo accounts
  • Testing manual trading strategies on the history in the strategy tester
  • Setting a virtual take profit and stop loss
  • Installing the virtual without loss.
  • Installing a virtual trailing stop
  • The installation of the lifetime of both pending and market orders.
  • Manage orders directly from the chart
  • Opening/closing / modifying orders in one click

Algorithm of operation

The program VR-Stealth-Pro was written in order to protect the trader's trading levels, the author of the program trading with a broker noticed what is called "Deliberate demolition of stops". That is, the broker knocked out stop losses by 1-5 points and the price went in the previously predicted direction. Also, experienced traders have repeatedly written about "Strange behavior of the price", for example, for a BUY order, TakeProfit is set at the price of 1,30000, respectively, the order must be closed when the Bid price is equal to 1,30000, but in practice it often happened that the Bid price did not reach 1-2 points to the level of TakeProfit, and the Ask price went 100-400 points further. Usually brokers argue such situations with a floating spread. That is, the broker says that at this moment the market spread was 100-400 points. The VR-Stealth-Pro program is written to hide trading levels. If you suspect your broker of dishonest behavior, this expert Advisor will help you in your work. The program is distributed free of charge in closed code.

At its core, VR Stealth Pro is a Lite version of the VR Trade Panel

Stealth Pro adviser

Invisible adviser Invisible adviser Invisible adviser


The adviser does not conduct automatic trading, so the yield depends on the knowledge and skills of the trader.


Important: the program does not work in the disabled MetaTrader terminal. The VR-Stealth-Pro program runs on Your MetaTrader 4 terminal . orders for closing, modifying, deleting and opening orders are sent from Your terminal. Only the open price and the pending order price are stored on the broker's server. If Your MetaTrader 4 terminal is closed or disconnected from the Internet, your orders remain unmonitored. Orders for closing or modification are not executed. Take this information into account in your work. The slip parameter must be taken into account.


Trade Panel Settings

  • Start Lots - the initial lot for trading. You can change it from the trading panels
  • Step Lots - the step of increasing the lot when clicking in the trading panel on the chart
  • * Order Distance - distance for pending orders from the current price
  • MagicNumber - unique magic number of the EA. When installing the program on different charts and on the same tool, you need to change the Magic Number so that there is no program conflict. Order tracking - when -1 all orders in the terminal, 0 only manual, >0 only your own or orders of another adviser
  • * Slippage - slippage (deviation from the current price)
  • Order Arrow - displays terminal icons when opening, closing, or modifying orders
  • Sound - enabling / disabling audio signals

Orders Control Settings

  • * Stop Loss - the default starting stop loss, which can be changed manually on the chart by dragging the line with the mouse
  • * Take Profit - the starting take profit by default, you can change it manually on the chart by dragging the line with the mouse
  • * Breakeven - the distance to the breakeven
  • * Breakeven Step - the minimal profit with the installation of breakeven
  • * Trailing Stop - pulling the stop loss behind the price to the profitable side
  • Button Size - the size of the order management button
  • Button Stop Loss - enabling / disabling the stop loss button
  • Button Take Profit - enable / disable the take profit button
  • Button Breakeven - enabling / disabling the breakeven button
  • Button Trailing Stop - enabling / disabling the trailing stop button
  • Button Time Close - enables / disables the button for closing/deleting an order by time
  • Button Info - enabling / disabling the full order information button
  • Edit Field Lots Close - enabling / disabling the lot editing field for partial order closing
  • Vertical Line Level - enable / disable vertical take profit and stop loss lines
  • Default Stop Loss - enabling / disabling stop loss setting when opening an order
  • Default Take Profit - enabling / disabling the take profit setting when opening an order
  • Default Breakeven - enabling / disabling breakeven setting when opening an order
  • Default Trailing Stop - enabling / disabling the trailing stop setting when opening an order
  • Default Time Close - enables / disables setting the time for closing / deleting an order when opening an order
  • Default Info - enabling / disabling the display of a window with information about an open order

Indicator Settings


  • Days - the number of days for displaying sessions
  • Width Border - border thickness
  • Asia Start - start of the Asian session
  • Asia End - end of the Asian session
  • Asia Color - color of the Asian session block
  • Europe Start - start of the European session
  • Europe End - end of the European session
  • Europe Color - the color of the European session block
  • USA Start - the beginning of the American session
  • USA End - end of the American session
  • USA Color - color of the American session block


  • Grid vertical step - step of vertical lines
  • Grid vertical activ - color of vertical control lines
  • Grid vertical deactiv - color of vertical lines
  • Grid vertical style - style of vertical lines
  • Grid vertical width - the thickness of vertical lines
  • * Gridhorizontalstep - step of horizontal lines
  • Grid horizontal activ - color of horizontal control lines
  • Grid horizontal deactiv - color of horizontal lines
  • Grid horizontal style - style for horizontal lines
  • Grid horizontal width - the thickness of horizontal lines


  • * Line Distance - distance for Alert lines
  • Line Time Color - the color of the vertical signal line of the time signal
  • Line Upper Color - the color of the signal horizontal line of the signal when the upper level is broken
  • Line Lower Color - the color of the signal horizontal line of the signal when the lower level is broken

Virtual Order Settings

  • * Virtual Order Distance - default distance for virtual pending orders

* Dependence of the number of decimal places. In other words, if a 4-digit broker has a Take Profit of 50 points, then a 5-digit broker will have 50*10=500 points.

Example: for a 5-digit broker, specify 500 in the settings for a 4-digit 50.



Version 16.120 - 13.12.2016

A more stringent check of stop losses and take profits has been made

Update history — latest 5 versions

Version 16.042 - 15.04.2016

Fixed moving the order opening panel when changing the chart window in the terminal.

Version 16.041 - 05.04.2016

Improved the bartime function
Now, if a timestamp is highlighted, it can be placed anywhere on the chart. If the label is deselected, the label is fixed at a distance of 3 bars from the current bar and at the Ask price.

Version 16.014 - 22.01.2016


  • Display of trading levels.
  • The opportunity to exhibit and moving the actual levels.

Version 16.013 - 21.01.2016

Added the ability to disable unused tools from the toolbar.

To hide the update history


Full update + porting of the adviser for MT5

What's in the archive

The archive contains files:

VR-Stealth Pro.ex4 for MetaTrader 4

Help_VR_Stealth_Pro_RU.chm - File in Russian

Help_VR_Stealth_Pro_EN.chm - File in English

If the help is empty, right-click to unblock it.


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