for free!
More → Version: 24.121
Updated: 13.12.2024
Added: 22.08.2017
License: Paid-Free
One-time purchase: 122$
Rent: from 30$
VR Black Box is a powerful trading system built on the principle of following price movements. The trading robot has access to the functions of setting both real and virtual Take Profit and Stop Loss levels. The main objective of the algorithm is to maximize profits and minimize risks.
The VR Black Box system uses a combination of real and virtual stop loss and take profit levels, with the real levels hiding the virtual ones. The development of this strategy began in 2009, and over a period of more than ten years it has undergone many improvements and revisions. The principle of operation is reminiscent of the “Swing” strategy, when a purchase error is compensated by entering a sale. A special feature of the system is the presence of protective mechanisms to prevent getting into high-risk situations.
Version: 22.017
Updated: 03.02.2022
Added: 27.03.2018
License: Paid-Free
One-time purchase: 169$
Rent: from 30$
VR Smart Grid is a Smart Trading Expert Advisor capable of closing many market positions in batches with small profits. Closing in small batches allows loss-making positions to be reduced quickly and efficiently.
Version: 16.120
Updated: 22.12.2016
Added: 17.11.2014
License: Shareware
One-time purchase: 0$
Rent: from 0$
Multi-functional trading panel with the ability to work in two modes, virtual and real. Easy and reliable order management directly on the chart! Instant closing of all orders or just a flip
Virtual Private Server (VPS) is an integral part of trading activities. This is the machine that hosts all the necessary software and stores all the data for the effective functioning of the trading terminal or other trading-related applications.
It is called virtual because it uses only part of the physical resources of a physical server, which is managed by a third-party provider. Thus, VPS allows traders to have their own remote server, which works around the clockand is accessible from anywhere in the world where there is Internet. This is especially important for traders working in financial markets, where every second and connection stability matters.
VPS servers provide traders with the opportunity to organize continuous operation of trading robots or even a whole fleet of such robots. The power of a particular VPS server determines the number of trading terminals that can be deployed. One such server allows you to launch dozens of trading robots simultaneously. This significantly increases trading efficiency and allows the trader to quickly respond to market changes.
Traders often resort to using VPS servers to run several trading terminals simultaneously. Each of these terminals is capable of supporting the operation ofmore than one trading robot. This feature allows traders to test dozens of different trading strategies in conditions that are as close to reality as possible. This approach gives the most accurate picture of the operation of automated trading systems. Observing the work of a trading robot on a VPS server helps a trader evaluate the effectiveness of its work in real market conditions.
VPS servers are not intended for running testing of trading robots, as this may lead to malfunctions in their operation. In most cases, theVPS server will simply shut downor you will lose access to it. In addition, administrators monitor the load on the VPS server, and if it exceeds the permissible level, the VPS server can be blocked. VPS servers are designed for normal operation of trading terminals.
On VPS servers intended for trading it is not recommended to run third-party applications, including programs for sending messages or email. If the administrators discover that you are engaged in spamming or any other illegal activity, your VPS server will be blockedwithout the possibility of recovery and with a complete blocking of your account.
You can rent an inexpensive VPS server using link.