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VR Watch list and Linker – Screener for MetaTrader

VR Watch list and Linker – Screener for MetaTrader

VR Watch list and Linker – Screener for MetaTrader

Иконка версии программы Version: 24.050

Иконка дата обновления программы Updated: 02.05.2024

Иконка дата добавления программы Added: 01.07.2015

License: Paid-Free

17 покупок in 60 days

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Cost ?
Buy is an opportunity to get a product, without time limits, the number of trading accounts and brokers. The version for the MetaTrader 5 terminal is paid, the version for the MetaTrader 4, if available, is free. Payment is made via the Trading-Go website, according to the user agreement (offer). To pay for the selected product, you need to log in under your account or create an account if you don't have one yet (Registration). After paying for the selected product, in the MetaTrader terminal, in the program activation menu, click update. (Reference).
One-time purchase:
Rent ?
Rent is an opportunity to purchase a product for a certain period of time. The version for the MetaTrader 5 terminal is paid, the version for the MetaTrader 4, if available, is free. Payment is made via the Trading-Go website, according to the user agreement (offer). At the end of the lease term, you can either buy the full version or extend the lease. To pay for the selected product, you need to log in under your account or create an account if you don't have one yet (Registration). After paying for the selected rental period, in the MetaTrader terminal, in the program activation menu, click update. (Reference).
1 month:
3 months:
6 months:
12 months:
Purchase via the terminal ?
Buy or rent in the Market of mql5 is an opportunity to purchase a product in our official representative office in the largest Market of trading applications for the MetaTrader terminal. Prices in the Trading-Go market and the market they may differ. Terms of activation and use of products for MetaTrader in the Trading-Go market and the market they have significant differences. Buying a product in the market means that you have read and accepted the Terms of Use of the Market service and the Agreement on the use of the Market service . (Reference).
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VR Smart Grid - Smart Trading Robot
VR Smart Grid - Smart Trading Robot

Icon of the program version Version: 25.032

Icon program update date Updated: 26.03.2025

Icon date the program was added Added: 27.03.2018

License: Paid-Free

One-time purchase:
from 30$from 21$

VR Smart Grid is a smart trading adviser capable of closing a large number of market positions with a small profit. Closing in small parts allows you to quickly and effectively reduce unprofitable positions.

VR Lollipop – trend collecting trading robot
VR Lollipop – trend collecting trading robot

Icon of the program version Version: 25.030

Icon program update date Updated: 02.03.2025

Icon date the program was added Added: 28.10.2022

License: Paid-Free

One-time purchase:
from 30$from 15$

The VR Lollipop trading robot is an automated trading strategy designed to operate on trend movements of various financial instruments. Its main goal is the accumulation of profitable positions.

VR Locker - successful lock trading
VR Locker - successful lock trading

Icon of the program version Version: 22.040

Icon program update date Updated: 11.04.2022

Icon date the program was added Added: 30.08.2017

License: Paid-Free

One-time purchase:
from 30$from 21$

The program trades according to a unique logic, the task of which is not just to fix the profit, but also to use the accumulated profit as a safety cushion, which significantly reduces the drawdown on the balance.


The program is temporarily distributed free of charge, only through MetaTrader terminal
Free download is available only in the MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5 terminal marketplace

VR Watch list and Linker is a screener application for the MetaTrader terminal. Makes it easier to find the most interesting and technical financial instruments. This screener is used by traders for trading on such exchanges as bybit, Moscow Exchange, American Exchange, foreign exchange and cryptocurrencies market, metal market, and is used for trading in prop companies. The selection of financial instruments is carried out manually. The screener connects open charts in the MetaTrader terminal and, when changing a financial instrument, shows the data in each chart separately.

Using a screener helps traders find the most technical financial instruments and exclude trading on instruments with low liquidity and high risk. The screener allows you to easily and quickly create and change sheets with tickers, quickly add and remove tickers in sheets. Save and load trader markups and indicators on all charts. Trade financial instruments directly from the screener. Apply pre-prepared strategies.

VR Watch list and Linker - supports working with hot keys - this allows you to work with the sheet directly from the keyboard, practically without using the mouse. Thanks to this approach, a trader can select a dozen financial instruments for trading during the day.

The screener is designed as an advisor and requires several open charts to work.
Doesn't work in the strategy tester.

VR Watch list and linker for MetaTrader VR Watch list and linker for MetaTrader VR Watch list and linker for MetaTrader VR Watch list and linker for MetaTrader VR Watch list and linker for MetaTrader


VR Watch list and linker for MetaTrader VR Watch list and linker for MetaTrader VR Watch list and linker for MetaTrader VR Watch list and linker for MetaTrader VR Watch list and linker for MetaTrader

Features of the screener VR Watch list and Linker

  • Support, discussions, updates, news in Telegram;
  • Multifunctional screener for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 terminals;
  • Works with any financial instruments (Forex, CFD, Crypto, Metalls, Futures);
  • Suitable for both beginners and professional traders;
  • Not a large number of settings;
  • Easy to install and configure, the program comes with text and video instructions;
  • For the Trading-Go market
    • Supplied in an archive containing versions for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5;
    • When paying in the Trading-Go market (on this page), the second version is free;
    • Can be used without payment on real accounts, free of charge. Instructions;
    • It is possible to use the trading robot on demo accounts without payment, without restrictions;
    • The settings for the trading robot are in the archive with the trading robot;
    • Does not work in the strategy tester, download the version for Demo and Live accounts;
    • Installation instructions;
  • For the market
    • Available for payment in the market, each version is paid separately for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5;
    • It works on demo, training and real accounts only after payment;
    • Does not work in the strategy tester, download the version for Demo and Live accounts;
    • Installation instructions;


  • View a list of financial instruments using the keyboard or mouse
  • Adding and importing tickers from other screeners like Finviz
  • Creating sheets with different sets of financial instruments
  • Automatic saving of trader markup and its subsequent loading
  • Create and apply analytical strategies without losing data
  • Trading financial instruments directly from the screener
  • Sorting financial instruments according to different criteria
  • Outputting standard information or information from indicators
  • Working with homework based on the lessons of A. Gerchik

VR Watch list and Linker - can be used as a screener for Russian and American stocks, and using the program you can also select other types of financial instruments (Forex, Crypto, CFD, Metalls, etc.).

The screener is written for the simplest and most popular MetaTrader terminal - not only professionals, but also beginners will understand how to use the screener.

Analysis of financial instruments can be carried out either in manual visual mode or semi-automatically, using a built-in special filter-screener. From more than 70,000* available financial instruments, the filter screener will help you select the most suitable ones according to the parameters you specify. More than 40 filters planned.

The screener supports working with hot keys - this allows you to work with the sheet directly from the keyboard. (The functionality of hot keys is constantly expanding).

Automatic saving of all markings, trends, indicators for each financial instrument. The ability to create and apply special “preset” templates based on pre-prepared trading strategies.

* - The number of financial instruments depends on your broker.

VR Watch list and Linker - can be used as a scalping screener, stock screener, bond screener, Russian bond screener, crypto screener, Moscow Exchange stock screener, Russian market stock screener, cryptocurrency screener, bybit cryptocurrency screener, Russian market screener and many other markets .

Algorithm of operation


Hot keys work only when the window in which the screener is running is active - the selected window. If another window is selected, the hotkeys do not work.
Do not use the [Backspace] key - it may cause the program to crash.

Basic hotkeys:

  • Esc - Closes/Disables all additional subwindows and functions.
  • A - Move the cursor to the left (Left Arrow)
  • S - Move the cursor down (Down Arrow)
  • W - Move the cursor to the top (Up Arrow)
  • D - Move the cursor to the right (Right Arrow)
  • Enter - Confirmation of choice
  • Delete - Delete a selected item
  • Home - Move to the beginning of the list of financial instruments
  • End - Move to the end of the list of financial instruments

Working with templates:

  • Q - Forced saving of chart templates. It has the highest priority and works regardless of the buttons for auto-saving templates and strategy numbers
  • ~ (tilde) - Enable/Disable automatic saving of chart templates.
  • 1 - Enables/Disables the strategy saved under number 1
  • 2 - Enables/Disables the strategy saved under number 2
  • 3 - Enables/Disables the strategy saved under number 3

Working with tickers:

  • T - Activate ticker input field
  • Delete - Delete the last character printed. (DO NOT USE [Backspace] KEY)
  • I - Open it to import tickers

Working with sorting:

  • R - Open sort menu

Working with sheets:

  • E - Quickly add a ticker to a previously created sheet
  • X - List of sheets with the ability to create a new sheet
  • Z - Apply previous sheet
  • C - Apply next sheet


The screener significantly improves trading results, the reason for this is: The trader does not trade “just any” financial instruments, but chooses the most liquid ones.

The method of working with a large number of financial instruments is effective in that a trader can trade the signal of his trading strategy on different instruments every day. A trader does not need to monitor only one or two trading instruments in anticipation of a signal from them. Everyone knows the situation when you wait for a signal for several days, and then miss a good signal only because you were busy at that time or the signal was late at night. Many new traders often trade only one currency pair. While waiting for a signal, the “Blizzard Eye” effect may appear, when a trader sees a signal where there is none. This happens due to long waits and the desire to earn money.

Using a variety of financial instruments, a trader can create and memorize instruments with different current situations. For example, you can create a list of instruments on which a level breakout is being prepared or a technical analysis pattern is completing its formation. Subsequently, such lists can be easily created and monitored using VR Watch list and Linker and the received signals can be traded. The difficulty in finding active instruments is that each instrument requires detailed analysis using indicators on different time periods. This is a huge monotonous work of any successful trader. The VR Watch list and Linker advisor is designed to help traders as much as possible in finding active instruments.


Additions and instructions to help improve a trader’s performance

  • Indicator synchronizer of levels and markings VR Synck Chart;
  • Study the video instructions (Russian - Use subtitles in your language), it won’t take much time and will solve a lot of problems in the future, it will give you an understanding of the principles of the screener’s operation;


  • Colum settings

    • Update time colum (Milli Seconds) - Column data update time
    • Value colum one - Data in the first column
    • Value colum two - Data in the second column
    • Smoothness (Milli Seconds) - Smooth operation of the screener
    • Double-click to delete - Protection against accidental ticker deletion

    Indicator settings

    • Time Frame indicator - Indicator calculation period
    • Period indicator - Indicator period
    • Custom indicator name 1 Colum - Indicator name in the first column
    • Custom indicator buffer 1 Colum - Indicator buffer number in the first column
    • Custom indicator digits 1 Colum - Number of decimal places in indicator values
    • Custom indicator name 2 Colum - Indicator name in the first column
    • Custom indicator buffer 2 Colum - Indicator buffer number in the first column
    • Custom indicator digits 2 Colum - Number of decimal places in indicator values

    Sound settings

    • Sound - Turning on/off sound

    Trade settings

    • Magic Number - Unique number of trading orders
    • Slippage - Slippage for trade orders

    Theme settings

    • Window size - Screener element size
    • Text size - Screener text size
    • Theme color (skin) - Preset color scheme
    • Selected item color - Active element color
    • Background color - Background color
    • Stroke color - Element border color
    • Text color - Text color
    • Up color - Increased color of elements
    • Equality Color - Element color without changing value
    • Dw color - Color of downgrade elements


View all lessons in one sheet (Russian) Use subtitles in your language;


Version 24.050 - 02.05.2024

In some cases, the program might not start.

Update history — latest 5 versions

Version 24.031 - 08.03.2024

Fixed saving templates when closing the terminal

Fixed saving the order of financial instruments when closing the terminal

Version 24.030 - 06.03.2024


The Button button that appears in the screener has been removed.

Fixed saving of templates.

Optimized code for working together with the synchronizer VR Sync Chart

Version 24.021 - 22.02.2024


  • Added a standard color to the financial instrument color selection menu


  • Ability to swap nearby financial instruments


  • Displaying the names of the Ask Bid columns; previously, when selecting other data types, the headings did not change
  • Display of NetChange values, data not previously calculated

Version 24.020 - 04.02.2024

  1. Fixed program freezing when closing the trading window. Previously, the program could freeze unresponsively. The solution was to add a red button with a cross to close the window.
  2. Fixed changing the color scheme of the program; earlier, when changing, not all elements changed color.
  3. The operation of several copies of the program has been fixed. Previously, when linking in one window, the linking in another window also changed.
To hide the update history


  1. Free training course in the form of text and video;
  2. Gradual improvement and refinement of all program modules;
  3. Development of additional independent modules (glass, list of positions, etc.);
  4. Adding new features;
  5. Maximum addition of hotkeys to all other program modules;
  6. An internal screener of financial instruments provided by the broker is planned (unfortunately I did not have time to do it, but it will definitely be done in the next updates). The catch is that there are brokers providing more than 70,000 financial instruments, and it is still difficult to process such a volume. The internal screener will work similarly to the finviz and tradingview screeners. You will no longer have to visit these services; everything will be immediately and at your fingertips. Also, the internal screener will have algorithms that help filter financial instruments using mathematical formulas, which will allow you to select highly liquid financial instruments;
  7. Adding alerts - the function is still in question, but I’ll definitely come up with something)));
  8. Planned and partially already done - a blog page in the market where there will be all the relevant information about the work of the program and upcoming updates;
  9. Display up-to-date information about the properties of a financial instrument;
  10. Display up-to-date information about the user’s account and his trading account;
  11. Gradual translation of all help and documentation into 11 languages;

You can suggest an idea or improvement in the "Feedback and Discussion" section.

What's in the archive

For MetaTrader 5

  • VR Watch list and Linker-RU.ex5 - Program file in Russian
  • VR Watch list and Linker-EN.ex5 - Program file in English

For MetaTrader 4

  • VR Watch list and Linker-RU.ex4 - Program file in Russian
  • VR Watch list and Linker-EN.ex4 - Program file in English


Can the program analyze my indicators?
Can the program analyze my indicators?
Yes, maybe a connection lesson in the making.


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